Why 2017 Was the Most Wonderful Year of My Life So Far

Why 2017 Was the Most Wonderful Year of My Life So Far

  I posted on Facebook that 2017 was the most wonderful year of my life so far.  I didn’t say why.  Now I’d like to say why.  The answer is much too long for Facebook plus I wanted to share this with you. There are two images that I’ll share with you to explain...
Your Voice is the Holy Grail of Our Time

Your Voice is the Holy Grail of Our Time

    Not everyone who begins a transformational journey finishes. What is a transformational journey?  It’s a journey of an individual committed to bringing forth his or her soul’s gifts and heart’s desires to this world. It can also be called the hero’s...
Lessons from London

Lessons from London

I’m still in England, yet working as I usually do, which is the beauty of having an online business!  I’m very grateful for this! Notes from the Inner Bonding weekend: The most common feedback from the Inner Bonding workshop is: “I now understand...
Does something within you obscure your Light?

Does something within you obscure your Light?

  In my work, I teach from Presence. I attempt to shine the Light that I am so that my clients can see how they are obscuring their own Light, their own Truth and Wisdom and fully shine their own Light. You see, there’s an equal amount of truth in...
7 Practices for Waking Up within Your Life

7 Practices for Waking Up within Your Life

The title of my book is The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own. If we turn that around to apply to your life, then the title is The Life That Wakes You Up Is Your Own.  It’s true that our own life—your own life—is the source of your awakening.  It’s not something...