spiritual consciousness

As I sat down to meditate earlier, I found it hard to sit still.  I kept getting up to do things—whatever things my mind remembered as I sat still.

Finally, I stayed.  I got really still.  I felt my heart and entered the space beyond the doorway of our heart.  It’s that space that reminds us what Spirit is.  It’s that space that helps us to feel the Divine reality, the Universe, God, whatever word works for you.

Stillness is required.  Focus within is required.  Even though I’ve been meditating fairly regularly since 1985, I still ‘get up’ as if I’m on automatic, which my body is.

The practice continues.  The practice never ends.

If we are spiritual beings why do we need to practice understanding the very nature of our spiritual consciousness?

Because everything in our post-modern life draws us outward, away from the depth of our own Being, our own Voice, and our own Guidance.

How much do you search outside yourself?  Facebook, books, other people compared to how much you search inside yourself?  Is it equal?  Is one more than the other?

What is it that we seek when we go within?  The brilliant Love of the divine that flows through us all the time but that we are not conscious of most of the time due to over thinking, over eating, habitual behavior and busyness in general.

It’s our job to recognize our own Divinity.  Not as a concept, or a new age spiritual idea, but as a realization that comes through intense contemplation of the reality itself.

Here’s a link for a short meditations I created to support you to go within.

CLICK HERE to download the MP3.

But this is not a substitute for meditation with no sound, no audio, no external device whatsoever.

Just you and your consciousness and your innate power to understand the nonphysical aspect of who you really are is all you need.

Are you devoted?

I hope so!  Because there’s nothing more powerful that tapping into your true power.  That power is spiritual.  Always.

Happy solstice.