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The voice of your Essence is an Embodied Voice
Fear often gets in the way of expressing our voices in the world. Too often we hedge, keep our voice private or doubt its value altogether. You know the feeling, right? Every woman I work with has experienced being silenced. Usually, it happened early, and...
Whose voice do you hide behind
"A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” – Melinda Gates How does the title of this article strike you? Do you think, 'I don't hide behind any voice!' Are you curious about what I'm getting...
Einstein, Trump and Building a Consciousness of Love
Some nights when I wake up at 3 a.m. thoughts about 'the world' enter my mind. Given I'm in the States, you probably can guess one person who occupies some of those thoughts. Our 45th President. Last night I was having some thoughts, and I remembered one of my...
What Story Robs You of Your Wholeness
If you've read my book, you know that one of the themes is that our 'stories' get created early in life and until we unravel them---i.e. understand that they are stories and that they are not True---life will reflect back to us the false beliefs our story contains. On...
Democracy needs all of our voices
Now is always new The sky was pink first thing this morning. There’s a cedar tree across the street that reflects the first light each day. As we approach spring, the tint of orange and pink and yellow gets brighter on the cedar. Some mornings it glows and...
Is it time to release your imprisoned splendor?
Since I was young, all I've wanted was to live my purpose. I didn't know this is what I wanted but I for sure knew what I didn't want! When I was just eleven, I remember lying on my bed on a summer afternoon and saying to myself, "I'd rather be dead than work a job...
You, me and 2017 – Getting in the Flow
When you are in the flow of life, you become transparent in the sense that the human part of you, the ego, the personality, and the flesh and blood body becomes an open channel to let your Light flow forth as the reality of you. This is what being in the flow...
Let the Earth pull you inward – a Solstice meditation
I find the most powerful two days of the whole year to be the winter and summer solstice. For all of my life, the Earth has been a huge teacher for me. I've always been able to feel the energy of the earth and to tune in to it when I need to get centered in my own...
What’s possible when you reclaim the voice of your heroine?
How do you think of yourself? Do you stand on a foundation of inner authority? The kind of authority grounded in a deep relationship with your Self and others? An authority developed over time through contemplation of your own consciousness and your own journey? ...