During a session this past week, my client said she wanted to explore her voice as a sovereign woman and whether or not moving forward with her business was what she really wanted.
I asked her what she meant by ‘voice’ because language matters very much and I didn’t want to assume what she meant. (It’s so easy for self-help terms and transformational terms to become cliché and empty of meaning.)  
So I asked her and her answer blew me away!  She said that what she meant by ‘voice’ was ‘desire’. 
I loved this because it’s what I mean by Voice too. However, she wasn’t mimicking me or my language. She wasn’t trying to have the right answer. Her answer came straight from her own consciousness. She could have said it meant something else and that would have been just as interesting to explore.
However, when she said that for her voice meant desire, I realized that there’s so much more I want to clarify about this in my emails to you.

In client sessions, which are customized and therefore go deep, so much gets created and transformed very clearly and quickly. But in articles such as this, which are a generalized communication, it can be more difficult to share in ways that make a difference.

So— here’s a bit more about desire, your original wisdom and the courage it takes to live a spiritually directed life as inspired by my client this week.
The mystics say that desire is the beginning of all creation.

My mentor, Robert Brumet says: “ Our most basic desire is to express pristine divine energy, which is our essential nature.”  

Spirit is always expanding. That is its nature. We are Spirit. Therefore we, too, are always expanding, unless we block it.

When we block our expansion and when we don’t take responsibility for our desire, we suffer. Remember, desire is the beginning of all creation. As my client said, her voice is her desire. She wants to get clear about her desire, which is literally to express ‘pristine divine energy’ in the original way that her life experience and soul gifts are nudging her to create.
The Sixth Practice Portal of the Find Your Voice Program is to “Listen to Your Heart’s Desire.”

Desire in your Heart is your original wisdom. Your responsibility is to listen, feel, and bring it into this plane.

As you learn to hear and feel and follow your Desire, many layers of conditioning have to be cleared in order for the manifestation to take place.


I become sad when I see a person get right up to the edge of knowing her Desire to create something original, and then see her step back in fear, and follow someone else’s ideas instead. 

This happens because of trouble at the border. Trouble at the border refers to the ego strategy that arises to always maintain the status quo of your life.

Part of mastering Finding Your Voice and Standing Behind It is knowing how to navigate the trouble at the border.

It takes courage to believe in your own wisdom and to manifest it in the world for others to see. There are so many voices ‘at the border’ that try to stop you:

You’re crazy!
Who do you think you are?
No one cares about that!
It’s already been done!
You’ll die if you go for your biggest dream.
I am not clear enough.
I need more trainings.
The beauty of our one life is to dig deep into it, not into the psychology of it, but into the Soul of it. I say ‘not the psychology’ because even though we are psychological beings in part, and even though the conditioned mind must be healed, in truth we are Spirit.

Once you’ve identified with the Presence within you—to that great Power within that wants you to be prosperous, loved, loving, wise, successful, confident, enthusiastic, joyful, strong and free because it is through these patterns that it expresses Its true nature of wholeness, completeness and perfect harmony—then you have the power to realize the fulfillment of your desires. 
God is the Dancer. You are the Dance.
Your Consciousness and the concept you hold of your Self is the template through which Light moves and manifests.


Slow down. Listen. Listen. Listen more.
Breathe. Go within. Close your eyes. Feel your Heart.
Place an open palm there. Trust the Presence you are.
Long to feel the Presence. Long so much you want nothing more.
When you feel a connection, linger there with the Presence.
When you feel complete, open your journal and ask:
“What would you have me know?”
Then write.

JOIN Nancy at Kripalu Center in October 6-9, 2019 for her Find Your Voice Spiritual Retreat for Women.
CLICK HERE to register!

CLICK HERE to read about Nancy’s 3-Month Find Your Voice Mentorship Program.