First, my book is now on Kindle! I’ve heard from many of you that you prefer Kindle as a reading format so I’m really happy you can now read the book! CLICK HERE to get it!
I’ve also heard from many of you how deeply the book touches you and how much you relate to my journey. The book is a transformational journey that I made into art. I did it for myself but also for the contribution it can make to you.
In 2017 I will be using the book as a focal point for some new work I’m creating about tracking your own transformational journey or Heroine’s Journey and giving that journey a voice!
My program called Find Your Voice, Stand Behind It, Change the World requires understanding your own worthiness.
By worthiness I’m speaking of truly feeling and realizing that you are a spiritual Being here on planet Earth for a purpose, and that you are willing to stand behind that purpose or Voice no matter what.
Strong statements? Yes. And this really is what it takes to have the experience of wholeness and satisfaction that comes with living and manifesting your divine potential. I believe most of you reading this want this experience very much.
The world needs you to express your Voice more than ever before. The world needs your unique Voice to be heard and felt and seen in whatever way, shape, or form is intrinsically aligned with your Soul gifts. So many of the ‘voices’ that are dominant right now do not come from a deep place of spiritual awareness. They are disconnected from this.
Yet even though you may have a strong desire to manifest your Voice and purpose, sometimes it is hard to stand behind your desire because of feeling unworthy. You may have a conditioned voice in your head that says, “Who am I do to this?” because you’ve been trained to discount your own Self, your own wisdom, your own intuition, your own Voice. In our culture right now we are also trained to listen to other people’s voices, even when they are enlightened ones, rather than to go within and listen to the still small voice we carry in our heart.
I challenge you to tune in to your heart. To feel that Self that is burning to come out, to be heard, to shine Light into the darkness.
It is our disconnection of this Voice that keeps us searching for external approval. Many times the most successful folks in the ‘worldly sense’ achieve all the trappings because there is a deep feeling of unworthiness on the inside. This is one of the great paradoxes of our world.
How to cultivate an innate knowing of your own worthiness and hear your Voice:
1) Have a spiritual practice. You must have a practice that takes you within. For one of my clients, this is ecstatic dance. This is what connects her to the divine. It can be mediation, yoga, being in nature. But your intent is to connect to the divine holy Self that you are.
2) Clear out beliefs of unworthiness! This would be a great thing to do before 2017! What belief do you hold in consciousness that says you are unworthy? Do you feel unworthy of love? Unworthy of attention? Unworthy of perfect health? Unworthy of financial support? Make a list of those beliefs and consciously create new ones that affirm your worthiness and focus on them daily.
3) Get support! One of the ways we honor our worthiness is by asking for support. In our world we are conditioned to think that if we are strong we can do it all alone. Wrong! So very wrong. Support can be emailing a friend to set up a tea. Asking a wise person in your life for a little advice. Or getting professional support from a mentor. It can be knowing that you deserve support and that it’s okay to invest in that. The way unfolds when you commit to your Self.
As you move into the holiday season, make sure you listen within for what you need. If you feel alone, lonely, in need of a listener so that you can find your voice, be sure to honor this need. It is not neediness. It’s a need on your journey of transformation. It is choosing your allies. We can’t be ourselves without each other.
Much love
To learn more about my Find Your Voice Program CLICK HERE.