

Unsilencing Your Feminine Soul

As I put the finishing touches on my memoir, I realize that in many ways the book is about unsilencing my feminine soul. 

I also realize that this is the journey I support so many of you on, although I’ve never named it as such.  Now I’m naming it.


What does it mean to unsilence your feminine soul?  

First, we must acknowledge the wounding of the Feminine Soul.

As women, our true nature is in the realm of Being, not doing.  This doesn’t mean we don’t ‘do’ things—we do.  It means that the Being realm of our soul’s wisdom has been undervalued, suppressed, oppressed, and rendered silent.  This has been happening for a few thousand years.  It’s deeply embedded in our psyche.  We are born into the culture of patriarchy, which has valued rationality, independence, competitiveness, efficiency, stoicism and militarism-—things associated with the ‘masculine.”

Less valued are beingness, feeling, art, intuition, nurturing, relationship, and attachment—things traditionally associated with the ‘feminine’.

The connection to our feminine soul is broken.  The result is that we live without the fullness of our inner authority.

Outwardly, a woman may appear stable and satisfied but inwardly there are silences, fear, stuck patterns and lots of self-doubt. 
Outwardly, she may have adapted to the masculine requirements for success and achieved much.  Yet her Soul is longing to be heard and valued for its deep feminine wisdom.  It longs for her to bring that wisdom to conscious awareness.


Is there part of your Soul that is still silenced?
Intuitively, you know the answer.
You feel and hear ‘the voices urging you to go deeper.” 
The voices urging you to ‘belong to yourself’.
“But how do I unsilence my Feminine Soul?” you ask.

First of all, you must have the Desire to do so.  This desire must be strong, like fire in your belly.  

For some women, the drug of choice is silence.
I’m speaking to those of you who refuse to take that drug any longer.

To belong to oneself.  Is.  Not.  Selfish.

My good friend and colleague Nicola Amadora PhD have created a fantastic NEW program that starts in October:  Voice of the Feminine: Speaking Your Soul into the World~  Take a look and sign up soon if it speaks to you.  Look forward to hearing your comments below on how you feel connected or not to the voice of your soul. 

Love, Nancy xx