The first time I retreated ended up lasting four years. In 1985, I moved into a Kripalu Yoga Ashram for three-month spiritual lifestyle training program and I stayed four years. I don’t regret this one bit. Oh, I had that ‘voice in my head’ that said I was running away from life, that I was lost, that I was strange—but I didn’t empower it much. What I learned in those four years was invaluable. The older I get, the more I realize how true this is.
When you attend a spiritual retreat— it doesn’t have to be four years! — you get to experience living a spiritual lifestyle. You get to focus on yourself as a spiritual Being having a human experience, rather than a human being who occasionally has a spiritual experience.
When you retreat — even if it’s for a few days — it’s possible to connect to your Being on a whole new level.
Why does this matter?
In our world, as you know, we are constantly identified with our stream of thoughts and what we must do next. No matter how much we try to have a few minutes each day to opt out of this thought stream and constant doing, we always get pulled back in.
Our spirit gets little devoted attention. It gets sporadic glances from us at most.
At the Oxford retreat, you will have the luxury of focusing within 24/7. Our times of Stillness, walking the labyrinth, writing, and conversations all will involve your Presence, the spark of the Divine within you.
You will be invited to feel your Spirit and your Soul more deeply than ever before. And you will have the safety and companionship of other women who want the same thing.
CLICK HERE to read about the details and to sign up.
There are just eight spots left.
Remember, a retreat is a way of honoring yourself—your mind, body, and spirit—all together.
One way to work on yourself is by being present in the body. Another way is by expanding the heart. A third way is by quieting the mind. The wise person finds a way to work on all three at the same time.
This is how we will be at the retreat—all three at the same time.