
I find the most powerful two days of the whole year to be the winter and summer solstice. For all of my life, the Earth has been a huge teacher for me. I’ve always been able to feel the energy of the earth and to tune in to it when I need to get centered in my own Being.

If you’ve read my book, you’ll know this. There are many pieces in the book that are solely about nature and birds and feeling my connection to Spirit in that way. I was fortunate to grow up with many acres of land located in the oldest mountains in the U.S.— the Appalachians. The pull of the earth was always powerful and real and though I’ve moved to other places, that knowing of the reality of the earth’s power and our connection to it has never left me.

Every person, no matter where you live or what your connection to nature and the earth has been, has the ability to tap in and tune in to the Earth, especially at this time of year, when the most powerful cycle changes, when the darkest night in the north, and the lightest day in the south occurs and then shifts.

It is part of our nature as earthlings to connect to the Earth, to feel her energies and to align with her rhythms.

Being on a transformation journey of your own, you must align with the Earth in order to align with your own truth and Being. They go together. You cannot ignore the power of Nature and the Beauty of Nature and remain whole in yourself. I’m sure most of you understand this and you may feel a longing to explore your deepest connections to Nature and the Earth even more as you move into the new year.

You must slow down in order to let the Earth pull you inward

Stillness. Stillness. It awaits you on the inside. We slow down the body by sitting. We slow down the mind by learning to not attach to the thoughts that ceaselessly whiz by.

We must slow down in order to realize that we are a human Being rather than a human doing.

Practically every day as I speak with clients, I hear the same refrain: “Why is it so hard for me to go within? To slow down?”

People will do anything, no
matter how absurd, in order to
avoid facing their own soul.
One does not become
enlightened by imagining
figures of light, but by making
the darkness conscious.
~ Carl Jung

Why do you resist slowing down?

As Jung says above, people do anything to avoid facing their own soul. It is the soul we avoid. Is it because you actually don’t trust that there is a Being of Light within? Do you think you are empty? I promise you that the answers you seek about anything are inside you, waiting for you to consciously connect to them, to receive them. But you must have the courage to persist in going within.

Let the Earth help you do this now at Solstice

We are part of the Earth. Her power is huge. She is more powerful than all the people on her. Use this time of year to connect with Earth. As you go into Stillness, feel the Earth beneath you. Feel her love for you and feel her power. Listen to the message she has for you now. Keep practicing this until you receive the message. Ten minutes, fifteen minutes at a time is plenty of time to sit. Do short sittings throughout your day. Especially this week.

What do you want to know? What is your desire? You get to create your life! How will you create 2017? This is the week to go within, become as still as a rock, and listen to what your Soul has to say to you. The Earth will assist you in doing this. I promise.

New Solstice Mediation Audio

To support you in going within to the Stillness you share with mother Earth, I’ve made an 11-minute Guided Meditation for you.

CLICK HERE to download the MP3.

Happy Solstice!