
Most of my life has been devoted to the idea of finding my voice.  It was 1971 when I first discovered my writing voice, when first allowed it to come onto the page of my yellow spiral notebook, the first journal I ever had.

The exploration of voice has been foundational to my life.  One of the things I provide when coaching and facilitating is a field of consciousness for the receptivity of your voice.  I use not only my voice, but my listening to create this field.

So what’s the voice I’m speaking of here?  What do I mean when I say I ‘found my voice’ in 1971?

The voice I speak of is the authentic voice, the voice of the soul.  There is a place where language and spirit meet.  That’s the voice I’m talking about.

Have you ever felt like you were talking but not fully connected to your words?  Or perhaps you have said things and upon reflection questioned whether you really meant what you said?

Perhaps you have kept silent and not spoken at all because you felt like you had no voice.  

Take time to reflect upon these questions:

  1. In your business, do you speak and write from the deepest part of yourself?
  2. In your relationship, do you speak and dialogue from the deepest part of yourself?
  3. Are you actively seeking to find your voice, either in your coaching practice, relationship, creative project or with your Self?
  4. Do you keep a spiritual journal?  
  5. Upon honest reflection, can you say that the voice you put forth as you is filled with the fullest consciousness you are capable of?

Again, these are reflective questions.  Spend time with them.

You see, finding your voice is perhaps the most important thing there is to do in life. 

One of my favorite quotes about voice is from the gnostic texts attributed to Jesus:

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.  If you do not bring forth what is within you, what is within you will destroy you.”

What Jesus is saying is that our divine potential is meant to be expressed, given form.  If we keep it within us, unexpressed, it will destroy us.  

I’ve noticed in my own life many times that when I do not express myself, even in sometimes the simplest of ways, the energy in my body gets congested.  If I don’t attend to it, it can become a pulled muscle, sore throat, or something else.  This is what the second part of the above quote refers to—when we keep what is within us unexpressed, it will ‘destroy us’.

We are here to give voice to our Being, to our divinity, to our Soul, Spirit, whatever word works for you.

In our businesses, relationships, and community.

As women, (and most of you reading this are women)  our voices have been silenced for thousands of years.  Even if you have not experienced this personally, we still carry the fear of giving full blown voice to our truth.  It’s a psychic fear of being seen and heard.

It’s time to break free of this.  

If you’re ready to explore a new and greater, more aligned voice that’s ready to be expressed in your life, I invite you schedule a time to talk.  I have a couple places in my schedule to speak to new potential clients about this specific topic.

We’ll have a Skype chat and then decide how to proceed.  Each person’s life and needs are unique, not one size fits all, so I tend to co-create with you a plan for working together that meets your needs.

Knowing your true voice, speaking your soul’s words, infusing your language with consciousness—there’s nothing more important. 

In fact, more than likely, whatever problem or stuck place you are facing is because the voice you need to access is behind the veil of your ordinary and habitual thoughts.