In my journey of 65 years without the physical presence of my dear mother, I’ve delved deeply into the essence of mothering. Losing her at such a tender age led me to explore the profound concept of mothering as a verb, as an energy that transcends physical form. It’s about nurturing and cultivating a loving voice within ourselves, one that cradles every part of our being and gently guides us away from limiting beliefs and harsh self-talk.
Finding your own mothering voice is an act of self-compassion, a way to translate the boundless love of the Divine Mother into a tangible, nurturing force within you. This nurturing voice is not just a soft whisper; it’s a powerful form of love that can transform your inner landscape and radiate out into the world.
Amidst the chaos of life, take a moment to listen deeply within. Be still, and open yourself to the ever-present love of the Divine Mother. To help you on this journey, I invite you to listen to this 10-minute guided mediation. Once you’ve listened, allow yourself to linger in that sacred space within you. Breathe deeply, knowing that at the core of your being resides pure love, unwavering and infinitely supportive.

Reflection Questions:

1. Have you ever explored the concept of mothering beyond its physical manifestations, as a nurturing energy that extends beyond space and time?

2. How has the absence of your physical mother influenced your understanding of mothering as a verb, as an essence that transcends human form?

3. What practices have you embraced to cultivate a loving voice within yourself, one that cradles every aspect of your being with tenderness and compassion?

4. Can you recall a moment when you felt the boundless love of the Divine Mother enveloping you, guiding you away from limiting beliefs and harsh self-talk?

5. In what ways do you see your own mothering voice as an embodiment of self-compassion, a reflection of the nurturing energy of the Divine Mother within you?

6. How do you envision this nurturing voice transforming your inner landscape, and how does it ripple outwards to positively impact the world around you?

7. Amidst the busyness of daily life, how often do you pause to listen deeply within, to attune yourself to the ever-present love of the Divine Mother?

8. Reflecting on Nancy’s transformative audio experience, what emotions or insights arose within you as you allowed yourself to linger in that sacred space within?

9. How do you integrate the knowing that at the core of your being resides pure, unwavering love into your daily existence and interactions with others?

10. What steps can you take to deepen your connection to the nurturing energy of the Divine Mother and to embody her love more fully in your life?

Dear ones, if you feel that longing in your heart to nurture and embrace your inner mothering voice, then it’s time to take action. Know that you are worthy — worthy of expressing your truth, worthy of manifesting your dreams, worthy of embodying the fullness of your divine potential. Don’t wait any longer to let your gifts flourish and shine brightly in the world. Schedule a Free Discovery Call with me now, and together, we’ll illuminate the path that will lead you to embodying that nurturing essence within you. It’s time to step into your power and unleash your true potential. Let’s make it happen!  I have a few openings right now.