Find Your Voice. Stand Behind It. Change the World.
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Your Voice matters as much as anyone’s. Do you honor it?
Your Voice is your Essence in expression. Your Essence is your Spirit, your Soul. Many of you search for your purpose and yet the search usually is focused on finding the right method or teacher or external solution. Copying someone else. This is looking in the...
What if Audubon had kept his day job?
Passion has been on my mind lately. I should say in my heart since that is the location of passion. The passion I feel for color, nature, clients, my book coming into the world, my life, my business, my mentors, and each of you.Passion is how we feel our purpose. Yes,...
Listen for your Soul Words – A Journal Writing prompt
Your Soul Words are the foundation of your greatest happiness and gift to the world. They are your 'Imprisoned splendor'.Yet, if you are like most people, it's tempting to keep looking 'outside yourself' for the wisdom or path, while all along it is within you....
The Spiritual Consumerism Trap
This topic has been on my mind for a long time. But recently, when many of you have shared in sessions with me about feeling 'splintered' by having too many spiritual and growth opportunities on your plate, I decided to say something. I know. It’s a great thing to...
Do you have a message burning side you?
I've been inspired this week supporting clients to not just find their message but to stand behind it. The 'standing behind' is many times the tricky part. And this is because there may not yet be the consciousness to SEE the power and beauty of your own message. It...
Being spiritually evolved does not mean you don’t have fear
Many of you are experiencing some fear lately. For some, it’s quite intense and falls into the category of ‘dark night of the soul’---when you feel really trapped in the mental maze of thoughts that are false and feelings that are frightening. A client said to me just...
5 Steps To Creating Your Own Personal “Ted Talk”!
What if you have a TED talk inside you? What if your Original Wisdom has always been there but got covered over? What if that time decades ago when you were told to 'be quiet' or 'you're crazy' or 'your opinion doesn't matter' or 'get in line'---what if that moment...
The Authentic Voice of Your 2016 Success
I'm excited to share with you that my book---The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own-- will be born this June! If you've known me for a while, you know that this book has been a long project. I can't wait to share it with you. Partly because of the content of my book AND...
Year’s End: A time to reflect. A time to envision.
I have always loved the end of the year and the beginning of the new one! It’s an important transition and a time to take stock of your life. I’ve composed a questionnaire for you. Create some sacred time and space to contemplate these questions. And do write down...