
What do I mean by ‘being more visible in your life?”

  • Speaking words you’ve never spoken before because you have been afraid
  • Not shutting down when a conversation gets difficult
  • Manifesting your dream business from the inside out by refusing to imitate others
  • Exploring the inner realm of what parts of you feel unseen by you
  • Feeling the emotional pain of being invisible
  • Looking at how you have been visible by playing a role society has told you to play
  • Unsilencing your Soul’s Voice

These are just a few of the things that come to mind when I think about visibility. 

We live in a time when being visible has ‘gone viral’.  Everyone is trying to be visible.  Why is this?  Is it coming from a wounded place of needing to be seen?  Needing approval?  Filling the empty place of disconnection from Spirit?

I think many times it is. It’s a symptom of an over-identification with the material plane.

But there is also a revolution happening.  People just like you are stepping out of their own shadow to shine the Light of their Essence, their Divine purpose into the world.

Some of the ways I’ve supported you to be more visible this week:

New coaches & mentors:  You are taking the time to go within to where your Essence resides to listen for directions as you create your business.  This is making your Essence visible.  It is much more vulnerable than following a ‘one size fits all’ business plan.  Yes, you are getting solid marketing advice but you are not avoiding the inner work of healing the fear of being visible in the world.

Young women navigating relationship: You come up against whether or not to speak up when they are ‘too emotional’.  We women have been labeled ‘too emotional’ for centuries.  We need to claim our feeling-self as real, valid, and pointing to some wisdom that may not be clear in the moment but which will become clear when we are supported in partnership to BE WITH the seeming chaos of strong emotions.  Learning to let yourself be visible when in this place of strong emotion is a beautiful thing and a necessary skill for evolving the Feminine Soul.

Women who are already successful yet want to bring more of their heart & soul into visible public view:   You are stepping into that.  Scary?  Yes, even when you already have succeeded that success has come by conforming to patriarchal structures which required you to stifle your deeper Self.  Making that visible now is called for. And it’s uncomfortable to say the least.

There are many more examples but for now:

Remember this key principle of authentic visibility:  In order to be seen, successful, and aligned with your Essence, you must first become fully visible to yourself.  What this means is that you must realize the reality of your Holy Self.  From this realization, all else flows.

This is why I truly love my work.  I get to help you realize your Holy Self.

There’s a lot to say about visibility and I’ll be writing more about this issue.  I’d love for you to comment below about your own experiences with being visible, hiding, only allowing parts of yourself to be seen.