When I see people hesitate for one reason or another, it hurts. This is because I know that to move beyond our conditioned self, we really do need to engage in a support structure.
Since 1985, in one-way or another, I’ve gotten support for my life and my spiritual growth. I don’t mean every month of every year. But whenever I knew that I needed support, I hired someone. That’s 30 years ago.
Even today, I speak with a spiritual mentor every few weeks, Robert Brumet, who I so admire and I do this because I still have blind spots that he is able to shine a light on. He doesn’t know more about me than I do but he can ask questions and guide me to points of awareness that I would not go to by myself. He does for me what I do for my clients and students.
It’s our blind spots that we can’t see. Because I’ve always known about the Light, I’ve been pretty relentless about getting support to transform my own blind spots.
What do I have to show for this?
Well, I live a conscious life. This doesn’t mean I am free of struggle or fear or any of the other experiences human think are wrong and shouldn’t be there. It means that I am consciously aware in each moment and that I know how to choose my thoughts. It means that I practice this 24-7. The more conscious you become, the more you must practice awareness.
I have completed a really great book that’s coming out this year. It took me over ten years. I never gave up.
I have a business I love and that serves lots of people to heal, transform and achieve their goals on their own terms. I chose this kind of business because it’s what I know so well.
I am healthy physically and actually seem to be getting younger!
I could go on.
My point is that I could never have achieved any of this alone, without the support I’ve had in my life. Of course I’ve had the love and support of friends and partners, but that is not the same as professional support. A great spiritual mentor is able to shine a light on your blind spots for you so that you can then feel your Soul’s calling without all the static of your conditioning.
When it’s really good, professional support creates a sacred container for growth, transformation, safety, and conscious communication. My growth has always come through the structure of one on one mentoring.
It hurts me when I see people who really want to grow and transform beyond past conditioning refuse to invest in getting support.
Here’s a list of common voices that pop up right when you may be thinking of reaching out.
I’m weak
I’m not independent
I should be able to do this on my own
I’ve already gotten enough support in my life
Stop whining
Get over it
It’s not going to work anyhow
It’s a scam
I’ve already tried to change this and it just doesn’t change
I just need to work harder
Have you ever heard these voices in your head? These are the voices of the ego, that part of all of us that wants everything to remain the same. The ego was created to help you survive in the physical world and has no sense of the spiritual dimension of your reality. (I had an ego voice a couple years ago that told me to trash my book!)
I began this rant because I was watching a live web cam of some bald eagles hatching and thinking about the miracle of life, how much power there is to create, evolve, love, serve and manifest.
We always have our next evolution of Self. There is always another little shell to break through.
What is that for you? What is the shell that needs to be broken so that you can emerge into the next greatest version of yourself?
If you are in business, what’s the next greatest version of your business?
Last week, one of my clients wrote the first 3 sentences of her book during our session. They brought tears to my eyes they were so powerful.
Her voice broke through.
What is your next evolution? And do you believe in the passion of your heart?
For those of you who are ready, I’m here to support your transformation and the manifestation of the next evolution of you. That’s what I do. It’s why I’m here. Contact me today.