abandongeniusImagine that your life is a journey. 

Imagine there’s a beautiful road lined with flowers and trees and houses and parks and all the places you’ve lived.  You started out as a little baby and now you are the age that you are.
Along the way, things happened that caused you to make decisions about your self, other people, and the world.  Beliefs took shape.  Many of these beliefs formed a shadow that hid some of your Light, some of your Essence, Joy and Freedom.  Here’s a simple explanation of how it works:

Imagine a happy little girl or boy skipping along the road when all of a sudden your mother or father yells to you, “Get back here!  Do your homework.” 

A belief forms:  Play and freedom are incongruent with work and success. 
Disowned part:  A natural state of Freedom

Imagine you just came home from playing in the forest and you tell your mother about the fairies you saw in the woods.  She says you’re crazy and to stop saying those things.

Belief:  I’m crazy.  The intuitive faculty is shut down in order to stay safe. 
Disowned part:  Intuition

Imagine you’re a beautiful teenager and are objectified by all the boys at school.  They comment on your body and say sexual comments.

Belief:  I must protect myself.  I’m not safe.  My body makes me vulnerable.
Disowned part:  Feminine Wisdom

Hundreds of experiences happen to us as human beings causing us to create a strategy for survival.  This strategy is also called the ego or false self.  It feels very cut off from Spirit and very empty inside.   It is all about survival and does not want the disowned part to be visible and real.   
If you abandoned your deep intuitive wisdom when you were younger in order to achieve success, if you abandoned your soul’s calling in order to gain parent’s approval, if you abandoned your genius in order to avoid judgment, then you will, at some point, arrive at a place where it’s time to reclaim those abandoned parts, integrate their wisdom into your heart, and allow yourself to evolve to the next level of your Divine Potential. 

Inner Dialogues:

Let’s go back now to the road that is your life.  Look and see where you abandoned a part of yourself that was unacceptable at the time.  
Then, begin your dialogue.

  1. The present day Self reaches back to speak to the part you abandoned.  You open to her/his wisdom, feelings, thoughts, and needs.
  2. The present day Self speaks aloud to her and she speaks back aloud also.  (You can write these dialogues but it cannot happen in one’s mind.  It must be expressed externally.)
  3. Open your heart to the process, for it is sacred.
  4. You are literally reclaiming part of your Self that you let go of because of fear.  Open to the energy of compassion.
  5. Creating a loving dialogue with your Self is essential for reclaiming one’s full power, Presence, and wholeness.

Conscious Evolution

We cannot evolve to a greater state of consciousness without first integrating any parts of our self we left behind on our journey.  If we try to do this, we are spiritually by-passing our human experience.

But as we do the work of reconnecting and integrating the abandoned self, we can then transcend to another level of spiritual knowing, one that includes all of who we are.  Then, at some point, we will again need to integrate more of our self and let go of beliefs we no longer want to carry with us.  It’s a cycle of evolution that does not end, the purpose of which is to live our full Divine Potential.