Find Your Voice and Stand Behind It.

A 3-Month 1:1 Mentorship Program

As a woman committed to living your highest potential, finding the voice of your deepest Self is essential. It is this voice that anchors you to and illuminates your path.

If you’re here, chances are, you know you have a bigger purpose and greater self-expression than what you’re living right now, but you don’t know how to access it or haven’t had the right support.  

You may be struggling with…

Finding Your Voice:

  • You’re hesitant to admit that you’re not honoring your deeper wisdom; you still say yes when you mean no and no when you mean yes. (So you stay in that relationship and/or job that no longer works for you.) You feel as thought you are living a ‘role’ rather than your Soul.

  • You sometimes dismiss your own experience, the voice deep inside that is certain of itself. Everyone else’s opinions and demands take priority.

  • You feel constricted by a life that’s too small for you even though this same life once felt just right. You don’t know how to name what it is that you long for, but you definitely feel it the longing.

  • You wake up at night, knowing you have a bigger purpose yet afraid you don’t have what it takes to live it.

And Standing Behind It:

  • You doubt the value of what you have to share with the world, and this stops you from starting your new business, writing your book or going for your other dream. (There are no wrong dreams!)

  • Your inner critic is loud and ruthless: telling you that you need more experience, education, training, before you’re ready to share your gifts. (And basically, that you’re not enough as you are.)

  • You’re numbing out with busyness, food, shopping and daily distractions.

  • You keep looking outside yourself for permission (and even approval) to live your purpose and passion.

And… you’ve had ENOUGH. You’re tired of living from those old habits. You’re not going to do this anymore. It’s time to change. You just don’t know how.

That’s where I come in…

Hi! I’m Nancy Swisher. I absolutely love guiding women to find the voice of their deepest Self and stand behind it because this is my divine purpose. I’m an international workshop leader, award-winning writer, and author of a literary memoir, “The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own.” My life is full of all that brings me joy: play, study, work and rest.

Expressing my voice and standing behind it wasn’t always easy for me. In 1980, I was 29 and hopeless. It was the worst year of my life, after an intense decade. I was terrified to speak out and share my gifts. I felt disconnected and lost. I knew I had a big purpose: I could feel in in my gut. But I struggled with doubt…

How would I live this big purpose if I couldn’t even share my truth and viewpoints with anyone beyond my small circle of friends?

I took time off from my college teaching job to try and get “clear” on my direction and yet I didn’t have any tools or support. I didn’t know about meditation, I didn’t have a mentor, and I was trying to rely on my mind to get myself free of this pain and anguish. But…

I didn’t realize it was my mind, and the social conditioning it was full of, that was keeping me silent and small.

Following a series of synchronicities, I ended up participating in a meditation and yoga retreat (that lasted four years!)  These new tools helped me begin to untangle the stories of limitation and conditioning that had trapped me for so long. I began to have hope for my future.

I dedicated myself to getting support from mentors, therapists and trainings in the field of personal and spiritual growth so I could heal the subconscious beliefs that blocked my Self expression. I was committed to doing the work to ultimately bring forth the authentic empowered feminine Voice of my deepest Self. As I healed, I deepened my own training and coaching mastery so I could expertly guide women through this same terrain.

Today, I’m reaping all the rewards of finding, and standing behind, my voice…

from receiving awards to traveling the world to the soul satisfaction of knowing I’m sharing my gifts with other women. It is my greatest joy to support women, like you, to move beyond their own fears and doubts, to find their voice.

I know this journey well. I also know that having a mentor makes all the difference. That’s why I created this program. It would be my honor to support you in discovering the voice of your own deep Self, so you, too, can reap the rewards of living your highest potential and divine purpose. The world needs your Light!

Here’s What’s Possible For You In This 3-Month Mentorship Program:

Phase 1:  Finding Your Voice: 

The more you stay silenced, the more you feel inauthentic and less than. To find your voice you must practice coming out of the trance of your conditioned mind that shuts down your Divine nature.

In Phase 1, you’ll discover how to…

  • Hold yourself in high esteem and honor your deeper wisdom.

  • Learn how to have honest conversations with others to be congruent with your YES and your NO.

  • Get connected to your real truth and live from your Heart’s Desire. (Other people’s opinions no longer control you.)

  • Sleep restfully through the night (Yet if you do wake up, instead of being plagued by fears, you’re inspired and full of ideas for your book, your next day or your next big adventure.)

Phase 2: Stand Behind Your Voice:

During Phase 2 we unlock the programming that keeps you small, bringing awareness to patterns of conformity that are not authentic. You learn to take inspired action based on inner guidance to live your highest potential.

In Phase 2, you’ll discover how to…

  • Believe in yourself and take inspired action on your creative ideas.

  • No longer believe the inner critic and know that you are enough as you are.

  • Practice Stillness and other Find Your Voice tools daily to tap into the flow of life (so that the old distractions and patterns of numbing out fall away).

  • Anchor into your own inner authority and give yourself permission to live your life for you.

Ready to Find Your Voice?

This is what your life, as a

confident woman living her purpose,

looks like.

Nancy has helped me to transform my life, from finding my voice, to shining a light on my subconscious fears and beliefs, to helping me realize and connect to the source of all that I am. To say I am grateful is beyond words. Her gentle, always supportive and illuminating insights makes her a most gifted and wonderful guide for anyone seeking to find and express themselves at their highest being. I cannot recommend her enough.

Dr. Shamsul Shah

Since completing the Find Your Voice™ Program, I am stronger, more sure of myself and know that my decisions will always be good when made from my heart. I really get that my voice matters. I am able to understand how I was silenced and how I have also felt the collective of all women’s silences; that heaviness of not being me that was so hard to pinpoint. Now, I have a new rich foundation of my Voice—my deep Self. It talks to me, guides me, protects me. This foundation holds me and tells me I matter. I am now free. I am capable; there are no chains I cannot overcome. The foundation that carries me is attached to the vertical plane of my Spirit — there is always nourishment there for the actualization of my heart’s desires.

Julie Rose

Since participating in Nancy’s Find Your Voice™ Program, a miracle has occurred — I’ve transformed my consciousness from feeling like a victim of what was happening around me to being an advocate and taking up the space I need; I’ve stopped suppressing my true expression and found my voice; I’ve moved from resignation to being the co-creator of my experience… A massive shift!

Ingrid McGuffog, PhD

When I sought help from Nancy, I was struggling to build my own therapy and coaching business especially advertising was very difficult for me. I needed help with overcoming my fear of being visible and speaking up for myself. At the beginning I was stuck in old beliefs and patterns from my past. However, I am glad I decided to work with Nancy because now I am feeling more confident to be out there advertising my services and speaking my truth. I am more open in general and believing in myself and standing behind my voice. Nancy helped me to uncover my fear and showed me a way of being present with myself and to follow my next steps. I really enjoyed working with Nancy as I could feel she was standing behind me all the way. I highly recommend coaching with Nancy if you do feel stuck in fulfilling a dream in your work or life. I am grateful for our work together as now I can give it back to my own clients

Diana Becker

Here’s What’s Included:

*** Six 75-minute 1:1 Facilitation Sessions  ⬇️ 

Customized support with navigating your current life, both personally and professionally, with more authenticity, while doing the deeper work of healing old wounds and stories, so that you discover how to trust your inner guidance, find your Voice and ultimately, stand behind it. 

Tools & Training: Inner Child Dialogue, Contemplative Meditation, Journaling, Affirmative Truth Statements, Tapping, Anger work, Grief work, Conscious Creation, Universal Laws, and much more.

Recordings of all sessions. MP3 and video if you want. Some clients really like to watch their session because they can tune in to the emotional healing that takes place that way more than just with the MP3.

Pre- and Post-Session Reflections: receive pre-session reflections to make the most out of each 1:1 session, along with post-session emails designed to support you in integrating the shifts and insights that occurred during your session which deepens your transformation.

Private Email Support: receive real time support for those moments you get stuck, need clarification, or wish to celebrate a breakthrough! Email support keeps you engaged, inspired, supported in between sessions and accountable. 

*** Find Your Voice™ and Stand Behind It Workbook: this downloadable, easy to use workbook walks you through my signature  Find Your Voice™ Process. It includes worksheets and step-by-step exercises designed to keep you engaged, supported and moving forward with your journey. The 7 Practice Portals are:


  1. Slowing down to Stillness
  2. Listening to your Spirit
  3. Letting go of the false self
  4. Exploring conditioned female silences
  5. Claiming and Manifesting your Heart’s Desire
  6. Writing/Expressing your OriginalWisdom
  7. Becoming Visible 

Ready to Find Your Voice?

It is hard to put into words the immense impact Nancy’s Find your Voice Program has had in my life. Through my work with Nancy, I was able to identify how my silencing occurred and the impact it had on the trajectory of my life. Nancy intuitively knew when to push me to dig a little deeper and when to simply hold space for me.  Today, I am a strong and confident woman in touch with my own voice and wisdom.   Before meeting Nancy, I had been working with a mentoring group.  Working one on one with Nancy, I had the breakthroughs I was unable to reach in one year of working with a group. It has been the best investment in my growth both personally and professionally I have ever made.

Nicole Kellerman

I met Nancy in February 2020 at a weekend retreat in Iowa City; it was literally life changing. I decided to take the leap and work with Nancy one on one a year later; it was just what I needed to breakthrough the ceiling it seemed I had hit. Nancy combines law of attraction, inner child work, spirituality, business coaching, relationship coaching, to provide what mentees need on an individual basis. She is nurturing, affirming, and authentic. She asks the hard questions but is gentle when you aren’t quite ready to answer them. In the time I’ve worked with Nancy, my confidence has soared, my business has prospered, and my relationships have improved. I’m pursuing my heart’s desires without offering any apologies to anyone. I’ve learned that I’m enough just the way I am, that I have a voice and things to say and express, and how to stand behind that voice.

Jodie Toohey

Legacy Book Press LLC


Since working with Nancy in her 1:1 Mentorship, I scarcely recognise myself. I am able to speak my truth without tying myself in knots, or worrying I might upset others. There is far less internal resistance to me speaking up for myself. I can do it naturally and with grace. I trust myself so much more than before. I am tuned into a deep inner knowing which on occasion prompts me to be quite bold. Oh, and my childhood dream of writing a book has resurfaced with Nancy’s gentle encouragement.

Judith Morris | Holistic Declutter Coach |

I am starting to recognize the unlimited power of the work we are doing. It’s literally alchemy. But it’s like alchemy that would astound even most alchemists! I feel the strength of my voice; I see the sheer beauty of my being, inside and out, and I feel the unlimited worldly and spiritual success coming towards me, that it actually is already in me. My gratitude is almost ineffable!

Katy Hapgood

Is Find Your Voice and Stand Behind It Mentorship right for me?

See our top FAQ…

How much time do I have to invest on a weekly basis?

Women who have done this program have benefited most from committing to a minimum of thirty minutes a day. This can be spaced out to fit your life. The more you work with your practices and tools, the faster your transformation.

What is the cost of the program?

The 3-month FYV Mentorship costs $997.00.

How is this program different than other Programs out there

Nancy’s powerful Presence and listening is why this is different—along with her years (over 27) of facilitation, study, training and down to earth communication. If you are new to Nancy, you can read her memoir and her blog to gain a better understanding of her life journey and teachings. She’s a wisdom teacher with real life mastery.

How many sessions are included?

There are Six 75-minute 1:1 Facilitation Sessions (2/month). The timing of these is flexible to accommodate your schedule. You may want to have more at the beginning, for instance. There is also email support between sessions.

How do we connect for our sessions?

We use Zoom for our sessions with both audio and video. 

What’s the length of the program?

The program is a 3-month program. However, many/most women choose to repeat the program at least once. Some work with Nancy for a year or more because they want the support of a Spiritual Mentor and Wisdom Guide. 

What happens once I Apply?

Nancy will contact you to set up a Discovery Call where the two of you will speak to see if this is the program that will support you at this time.

Ready to Find Your Voice?

Have other questions or need help enrolling? 
Just email

I look forward to meeting you in the program!

Nancy Swisher, MA, MFA is Transformational Coach and Spiritual Mentor and the author of The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own: A Memoir.  She has been supporting women to heal, transform, and evolve in consciousness for over 27 years.  She teaches her Find Your Voice and Stand Behind It Retreat in Oxford, England and has taught at Kripalu Center in western Massachusetts. When she isn’t working within her business, she paints, studies, contemplates, and has soulful conversations with friends.