Your Voice is the Holy Grail

Not everyone who begins a transformational journey finishes. What is a transformational journey?  It’s a journey of an individual committed to bringing forth his or her soul’s gifts and heart’s desires to this world. It can also be called the hero’s journey or the heroine’s journey.  In those journeys as outlined by Joseph Campbell, the quest of the journey is the Holy Grail.  In our time, the Holy Grail is the realization of your own expanded consciousness and its expression. The name I give to these highest expressions of Self is Voice.
When you find your voice, you find the expression in words than enables you to manifest your deepest purpose.  These words may be something you write in your journal to guide you to action in the world.  Or they may be words spoken to your loved one that moves your relationship to the next level of mutual love.  They may be the words of a book that describes your own transformational journey in a way that serves others, or they may be words of activism and outrage.  They may be words spoken to parts of your Self that expand your Soul’s expression to the next level of your evolution.
To find this voice and stand behind it requires a kind of commitment and persistence few are able to realize. There are many distractions. One of the biggest is the immense amount of information on the Internet that lures you away from accessing your own internal loving wise outrageous important gift—your Voice.
I have had wise mentors along my path.  This is important.  However, it’s equally important to understand that only YOU can ever know who YOU are and it is your responsibility to go within until you realize your own spiritual consciousness. (A little tip about hiring a mentor or coach: Interview them! Make sure they have actually achieved the thing in real life that they will be guiding you to manifest.)
A long time ago I realized that to bring forth my voice and message and truth I had to stop listening outside and only listen inside. I had to stop consuming information about ‘how to’ do things and listen deeply to my own inspiration and trust that the ‘how’ would reveal itself.  This is the point where humans get scared and disconnect.  We aren’t real good at being with uncertainty.  Yet, uncertainty along with a trusting heart is the very cause of manifestation.  Thus, I guide my students and clients to this deep inner place where you become the master.
An Invitation
As we approach the darkest time of year in the northern hemisphere, take time to be still, to go within, and to contact the non-doing power of Presence within you.
Without understanding your own innate Presence and its omnipresence and omnipotence in your life, all the tools in the world won’t help you to grow or manifest your heart’s desire. 
Right now your question may be, “How do I do this?”
* Sit in silence.
* Close your eyes.
* Focus on your breath.
* Stay there with the intention of realizing the non-doing power of Presence within you.  This may take an hour.  It may take less.  It may take more.  But as you practice and commit to realizing your spiritual consciousness, you will make contact and you will feel the most powerful Love you have ever felt.

If you need help getting started CLICK HERE for a short audio meditation.  But know that this is just to lead you into the Stillness.  It’s important you practice being quiet with no audio or anything other than your own consciousness.
This practice is part of all of my programs and work with clients.  It is the source of your Voice and all that you desire, including personal empowerment, relationship, creativity, and health.
I’ll be writing to you again soon with some exciting opportunities to work with me in 2018 that are related to what I’ve written about here.
Right now, however, I’m headed to London Heathrow to catch my plane back to the States.
Thank you England and Scotland for the most wonderful six weeks I’ve had in a very long time.  Maybe ever! 
