Reflections on our Find Your Voice Retreat

It’s been two weeks since I left the Abbey and our Find Your Voice and Stand Behind It Spiritual Retreat. I came back to the States amid a political silencing of a brilliant woman who spoke out, who stood behind her truth, her voice. One of the keys of the Find Your Voice work is to explore ways we have been silenced as women. The juxtaposition of our retreat and the headline news I returned to felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland at times. And it was hard.

My baseline for life is Love. Consciousness. Beauty. Truth. Creativity. Being. Nature. The vertical plane. And language is one of the ways I bring forth the vertical plane into the horizontal. I admit I got somewhat swept up into the horizontal plane since getting back–went a bit mute. For a while I just had no words for what I was witnessing—a blatant hostile public silencing of a woman’s very important and relevant story.

Today, though, I’m returning to the I Am that I am, to the reality of me.  I’m back!

The Retreat

I want to share this exercise from our retreat with you because you can start to do this yourself and it’s really powerful!

1) Your Heart does have its own language.  I mean this literally, not figuratively. There is recent science behind this statement but mystics and poets have always known.  At the retreat, we entered into the heart-space many times and allowed the heart to speak.  Then wrote it down.  The heart speaks so directly and simply and when you read your heart words aloud you are moved, as if there’s a Presence and Power speaking back to you!  Because there is!

A simple way to begin to tap into your own heart language is to:

  • Become very Still, close your eyes, and breathe slowly.
  • Focus within on your Inner Being.
  • Stay like this for at least 5 minutes.
  • Place one hand over your heart.
  • And ask your heart: “What would you like me to know right now?”
  • Listen.
  • Write.
  • Read your words aloud.

Sound too simple? Most powerful and beautiful experiences are simple! Not necessarily easy though, because the loud habitual mental chatter blocks out the heart.  You must practice Stillness to tap your heart’s language. 

Even if you haven’t learned all of the Find Your Voice Processes you can still practice and use this simple exercise to experience the power of your Heart and to listen to its message to you.

-Notes from Participants about their Heart Space Experience:

“The most precious moments were when we sat in meditation and connected to our Heart space and wrote from there.  Mine had a lot of amazing things to say!”

“The retreat awakened my heart and gave me tools to keep the connection with my heart alive.”

For me personally, the retreat was a space of giving and receiving between Beings of Light. I mean this literally also. I am committed to supporting both myself and others to bring forth our Light into the world—to bring forth the vertical plane of your Being into the horizontal plane of form and expression.

I call the Light your Voice.  I call it Presence.  I call it Heart.  I call it Soul.  There are subtle distinctions between these names but they all point to your deep Self, which is your alive, radiant, joyful Light!  

I encourage you to experiment with the Heart Language Process and let me know what you discover!

I’ll be writing to more frequently now that I’m home and adjusted!

As we come to the last few months of 2018 and begin to think about next year, it’s a very fruitful time to let go of what you have been carrying both internally and externally that holds you back, and to envision your Desires that haven’t yet manifested.  We are always in a state of evolution!  I have some exciting new creations for 2019 that I’ll be sharing with you soon.

CLICK HERE to JOIN our 2023 Find Your Voice Spiritual Retreat in Oxfordshire!