Nancy’s 1st Live Retreat Post Covid!
Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 2023
Oxford, England
The time is now.
As a woman committed to living your highest potential, finding the voice of your deepest Self is essential. It is this voice that illuminates your path.
If you’re here, chances are you sense you have a greater self-expression than what you’re living right now, but you haven’t had the right support and roadmap that works for your highly sensitive soul in order to find this voice and stand behind it.

Why this retreat and why now?
Every woman I know has experienced being silenced. Usually, it happens early, and more than once. The silencing is both personal and cultural. These experiences lead you to conclude that your voice and your wisdom are crazy, not important, illogical, or unnecessary. You decide, both consciously and unconsciously, to conform to other’s views of who you are in order to make your way in the world. You learn to hedge, keep your voice private and to doubt its value altogether.
It’s not that you don’t speak. You do. It’s that the voice you speak is the voice society wants you to speak. It’s not the deepest, most true, most alive, most Light-filled voice of your feminine Soul.
There’s unconscious fear around speaking that one.
Let’s step beyond this fear — together — as we begin our transition from 2023-2024.
The world needs your Voice, your Light, and your feminine Wisdom.
Why is it so hard to hear my inner voice?
Some women get erased a little at a time, some all at once. Some reappear.
Every woman who appears wrestles with the forces that would have her disappear. ~ Rebecca Solnit
Does your voice hide behind symptoms in your body?
Many times, the silenced voice tries to get your attention through your body. When you silence your Soul’s expression, the blocked energy eventually shows up in your physical body.
Retreat learning: How to tune into this ‘symptom’ as an expression not yet expressed, listening deeply within.
Does your Voice suffocate from your busyness?
In our world, busyness has become a status symbol. The terms “I’m crazy busy” is used indicate success. However, without an awareness of your deeper Self, busyness can sweep you into a far away land where you feel disconnected from your authenticity.
Retreat learning: How to tap into the reality of your deep Self, your Presence so that you always have this available to you even on your busiest days.
Is your Voice buried beneath unconscious shame?
Shame mutes the tongue. Culturally and collectively, the female body is shamed daily. It doesn’t take long for little girls to sense that their bodies are objectified. By adolescence, it’s quite real. If you don’t feel safe in your body, you don’t don’t feel safe to speak up.
In the retreat we will discuss this phenomenon in our sharing circle, heal the shame and transcend its hold on our authentic expression.
Do you recognize your unexpressed genius in other people’s wisdom?
You may be quite conscious of your own wisdom, yet fear standing behind it. When you stand behind it, you become visible. Being visible is scary in particular ways for women. You may be comfortable with being the ‘nice’ woman, the ‘loving’ woman, the ‘intellectual’ woman, or the ‘business’ woman—yet be quite scared to give voice to your anger, your opinion, your truth, your Soul’s deepest message.
In this retreat, we will talk about being visible and how to step through those fears as they arise.
Did your Voice go mute in order to conform to this world?
Everyone conforms. We stop at stop signs. But when we conform in a way that mutes our authentic self-expression, that hurts our soul. We must throw away the rulebook of how a woman is supposed to live because that rulebook was created to silence us. For instance, are you distracted from focusing on your creativity because you think you should be married by now? Do you avoid taking action on your heart’s desire because you are in the third act of your life and think you’re too old? What rules created by someone else are you still following?
In this retreat you will uncover all the ways you have conformed and celebrate a new found freedom of expression. Maybe it’s to start the book? Share more deeply with your loved ones, risking being misunderstood. Maybe it’s starting your own business?
When your voice hides in these ways
then your life unfolds around silences
until you heal and transform them.
This is where I come in!

Hi! I’m Nancy Swisher and my entire life has been devoted to this subject. I understood the voice of my Essence when I was a young girl. Some of you may know this story from my memoir, The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own. When I was five years old, the milkman at my father’s store stopped to ask me a question as he stacked the cartons of milk. I was playing on the sidewalk that morning, listening to the sounds of the creek across the road. He looked down at me and said, “What do you what to be when you grow up?” Without hesitation, I replied, “I already am who I want to be.” I spoke my Voice that morning—the voice of my Essence. The clear knowing I had then that who I am is consciousness, that who I am is a Being, got lost like it does for all of us: through conditioning, experiences, traumas and the choices made to ‘make it’ in the world.
Through decades of study, training, and practice, I’ve oriented my life’s work around understanding how and why women’s voices are silenced and how to recover and express them. It doesn’t have to take decades for you because I’ve created the The Find Your Voice Upward Spiral Journey of Awakening, which gives you the tools and teachings to recover your voice and express it in the world. Together, we will dive deep into this journey beginning Nov. 29.
More about our Retreat. ⬇️
Your Soul’s Voice is Unique
Bringing forth a true, instinctual, powerful woman, who is rooted in her own feminine center, who honors the sacredness of the feminine, and who speaks the feminine language of her own soul, is never easy. Neither is it always welcomed. ~ Sue Monk Kidd
As women we have hidden our Voice for fear of ridicule or worse—and yes, we were burned for expressing this Light of intuitive knowing. This fear is in our collective psyche. We’ve accumulated silent things within us both personally and collectively. Now is the time to move beyond these silences and to reconnect to our Voice and stand behind it.
You may think what you have to say doesn’t matter. This is a conditioned thought. You matter as much as any person on the planet.
Each Day at Our Retreat
It is frightening when a woman finally realizes
that there is no answer to the question ‘who am I’
except the voice inside herself. ~ Betty Friedan
These are the four main practices that include powerful teachings each day at our retreat.
You are never more fully yourself than when you are still inside. Each day we will enter into Stillness several times. You will connect to the Presence within you, the flow of Spirit that you are. Silence is not easy, but eventually an uncommon peace ensues. You connect to Divine ideas and to a sense of security that is real. We will utilize breathwork, walking meditation, and other avenues for going deeply within.
Your Essence must be expressed in order to be realized. The word gives form to the unformed. The greater the consciousness behind the word, the more power it has. You will discover your Voice anew each time we write together. Your writing will express your Voice and lead you into your heart. Authentic lives require authentic voices and authentic linguistic choices. This is not the kind of writing you learned in school. It is the kind where your Spirit meets your words.
The root of the word ‘heal’ is the same as the root of the word ‘whole’. Believing untrue things about oneself causes all of the emotional pain we typically seek to remedy. Healing is the process of becoming conscious of these unconscious beliefs. You will be safe in this retreat to heal what needs to be healed at this point in time. Each person will have the opportunity for one to one facilitation with Nancy. “We must do away with all that hinders true growth, all the little thoughts that hinder us from becoming.”
Women’s Circle
Feeling lonely can be triggering and disempowering for women who walk a transformational journey. In this retreat, you will experience the power of being seen for who you are on a Soul level. Through talking, laughing, eating together, sharing deeply, and revealing truths, we will create a connection of Love that resides in your heart long after the retreat ends. “We cannot be ourselves without each other.”

Your Retreat Manual!
A comprehensive teaching workbook about the Find Your Voice Upward Spiral Journey.
The 2023 edition is revised and expanded! The teachings, practices, and processes are all ready for you to use at the retreat and take home.
Starting with teachings about Consciousness and moving into a history of women being silenced, your manual will support you as a reference to return to over and over.
We will cover every point on the upward spiral.
A Sample Retreat Day (Thursday – Saturday)
Breakfast at 8:00
Program Session 9-12
Free time (walking along the Thames, resting, writing. . .)
Lunch 1
Program session 2-4:30
Free time
Dinner 6:00
Evening session 7-8:30
Note: Day 1 and Day 5 vary. See FAQ

Sample Teaching Sessions
- Healing past silences and wounds
- Deepening Awareness of Spiritual Essence
- Writing from the Heart
- Identifying Growth Edges and Heart’s Desires
- Understanding the source of feeling Invisible
- Universal Laws
- The Power of Language & Your Soul Words
- The Natural Joy of Self-Expression
Note: All sessions are experiential, not just informational! Sessions take into consideration the needs and intentions of all participants.
When You Complete This Retreat
- You will realize that the voice within you is an infinite source of wisdom, love, and direction. You will stop searching outside yourself in exchange for listening within. In turn, your confidence and passion to create will be exponentially greater. You will begin new projects and deepen those you are already working on.
- You will have the tools to cultivate the Voice of your Essence with a daily spiritual practice of your own design.
- The fears that have kept you silent and scared you into conformity will be put into perspective. Gone? Maybe. But power is when we know how to respond to the conditioned mind when it arises in the moment — and you will become masterful at this.
- You will experience the pure joy of speaking and writing from that deepest part of your Self. Nothing and no one can ever take this away.
- You will have clarity about your gifts and how to present them to the world!
You will Be Fully Present, Feel Your Heart, and Leap!
- You will know you aren’t alone in your journey.
Remarks from Past Participants
Includes private room, all meals, and program teachings.
Contact Nancy for a payment plan option.
Our Beautiful Retreat Center
The Abbey Sutton Courtney
The Abbey is a unique medieval building, set in extensive grounds, tucked away in the small village of Sutton Courtenay, just 10 miles south of Oxford. People have been visiting the Abbey for over 600 years for the purpose of transformation.
The Abbey is surrounded by 4 acres of beautiful grounds that include mature trees, a woodland path, a labyrinth and tranquil sitting areas, which all guests are welcome to explore and enjoy. There are also fine walks through the old village and along the nearby Thames.
All meals are vegetarian and prepared from fresh ingredients, including produce from the Abbey’s kitchen garden. During our morning and afternoon breaks you will have homemade treats and fresh fruit available, along with tea and coffee.
The meeting room for our retreat is comfortable, quiet, and has a fireplace!
Upon registration, you will receive details of directions and what to bring.

Accommodations and Monetary Investment
Everyone will have a private room so that you can have the quiet to contemplate the teachings and practices of the retreat. The rooms at the Abbey are simple and sweet. All rooms have shared bath; however there are plenty of them. Price listed below include: Accommodation for four nights, all meals, and retreat sessions.
Retreat with private room: £1297
Email Nancy at nancy@nancyswisher.com if you want to ask any questions to make sure this retreat is a good fit for you.
Attendance is limited to 10 women so that deep healing, writing, and transformation is guaranteed!

Cancellation Policy:
There’s a £290 non-refundable cancellation fee for all registrations. If you cancel prior to Oct. 1, 2023 you will be refunded the full fee minus the £290. Any cancellations after October 1, 2023 will not receive a refund.
Endorsements of Nancy’s ‘Find Your Voice’ Programs
I was drawn to attend Nancy’s ‘Find Your Voice Retreat’ in July of 2019 at the Abbey, something deep inside me knew I had to be there. The retreat was an amazing experience. It was life changing! The retreat gave me a taster of how Nancy worked and I liked it a lot! Thought provoking content and practical tools all delivered with great humour and compassion.
I made the decision to work with Nancy in her 1:1 Mentorship. Since then, I scarcely
recognise myself. I am able to speak my truth without tying myself in knots, or worrying I might upset others. There is far less internal resistance to me speaking up for myself. I can do it naturally and with grace. I trust myself so much more than before. I am tuned into a deep inner knowing which on occasion prompts me to be quite bold. Sometimes I almost have to stop myself and say “did I just do (or say) that?”
In my work with Nancy, I can clearly see the advances I have made. I recognise myself as a woman who stands up for herself, stands up for others, embraces her talent for creative language, expresses her emotions in full, speaks to strangers, helps strangers, sets boundaries, is eloquent, communes with nature, attracts an audience, shares her gifts, sings in the shower, tunes into her intuitive voice; and I don’t doubt there is more to come. In saying ‘yes’ to all the above I am saying ‘no’ to silence, fear and shame.
Nancy has helped me to transform my life, from finding my voice, to shining a light on my subconscious fears and beliefs, to helping me realize and connect to the source of all that I am. To say I am grateful is beyond words. Her gentle, always supportive and illuminating insights makes her a most gifted and wonderful guide for anyone seeking to find and express themselves at their highest being. I cannot recommend her enough.
Based on my experience, I think Nancy’s coaching is so profoundly effective because she has developed authentic authority through devoting her own life, time, money, and attention to her own path of development. She has done the work to Find her Voice. She has cultured the commitment and self-love to Stand Behind It. From there, her own life has been beautifully shaped into an instrument that naturally empowers others in her sphere of influence to make their own unique contributions to changing the world!
So, if you have a chance to work with Nancy, TAKE IT!!! She is a true master, and she will help you become the true master of your own life and work!
Is this Retreat right for me?
See our top FAQ’s
Is there any free time during the retreat?
Yes. There is a two-hour lunch break, which gives plenty of time to take a walk, journal or nap, whatever you need to do. There are also a couple shorter breaks during the morning and afternoon sessions. We do have evening session Thurs. through Sat.
What’s the length of the retreat?
We begin on Wednesday, Nov. 29 at 18:00 (6:00 pm) with our evening meal as a group. You can arrive any time that day after 16:00 (4 pm).
We end on Sunday, Dec. 3 after our lunch meal at which is served at 13:00 (1 pm).
Can the Abbey accommodate my dietary restrictions?
All food is vegetarian and freshly made for you in the Abbey’s kitchen. Restricted diets can be provided for genuine medical reasons (with 14 days notice) so if you have this need you would let Nancy know and she will let the Abbey know. You will also have access to a kitchen area in the building where you stay.
How do I get to the Abbey?
Flying: Heathrow, Heathrow Express to Paddington Station to Didcot Parkway, a short taxi ride to Abbey. Detailed directions will be sent upon registration.
How much is the investment?
Included in the fees listed below is your room, all meals, and all retreat sessions! For a private room the fee is £1297, this includes 4 nights, all meals and the Find Your Voice program. (Contact Nancy for payment plan option.)

Includes private room, all meals, and program teachings.
Contact Nancy for a payment plan option.
Have other questions or need help enrolling?
Just email nancy@nancyswisher.com
Nancy Swisher, MA, MFA is Transformational Coach and Spiritual Mentor and the author of The Life That Woke Me Up Was My Own: A Memoir. She has been supporting women to heal, transform, and evolve in consciousness for over 28 years. She teaches her Find Your Voice and Stand Behind It Retreat in Oxford, England and has taught at Kripalu Center in western Massachusetts, and in Iowa City. For a 1:1 experience of the Find Your Voice Journey, Nancy offers the powerful Mentorship Program. And for a community experience she created the Find Your Voice Women's Club. When she isn’t working inside her business, she writes, studies, contemplates the Presence within, and has soulful conversations with friends.
For a look at Nancy's Education and Certifications click here.

We meditate and then begin to speak and write from the depth of our truth, whether the truth is despair or hope, bliss or fear, love or anger. All of it is part of the whole—the whole of the feminine psyche and heart.
We heal the world by healing our Self. We find our Voice from knowing our Essence. We change the world by standing behind our Voice.